Sex & Exercise

The topic everyone really wants the details on….sex and exercise.  How can you improve your sex life by modifying your exercise routine?

Increase Stamina –  Most of us know why we need this.  I’m sure your partner would be highly impressed if you could take things into extra innings. It’s not really a turn on when you are wheezing and ready to pass out because you are not in good shape. Increase your stamina by adding a little spin, boxing or cardio based classes to your week.  Here is a link to the group fitness schedule to get you started:

Improve Body Image –  Being confident about your body is very important in your sex life. If you’re not confident about your body, you’re probably less likely to relax because you are self-conscious, making you somewhat anxious and distracted. How can you focus on your parter when you are too busy worrying about what you look like?  Try to focus, and be in the moment. To build confidence, tone and tighten by taking some body sculpting classes or doing some resistance training.  We are not saying you have to LOOK BETTER to improve your sex life- we are saying you have to FEEL BETTER about the way you look.

Improve Core strength –  A strong core is very important for those long love sessions. Throwing out your back because your core is weak is a total turn off.  Planks and bridges will help to strengthen this area (and as a bonus, reduce some unsexy flab). To strengthen your lower back and glutes try Kettlebell swings.  Talk to a trainer (like me!) for good tips on keeping good form for maximum results.  Reach me for a free consultation:

Improve Circulation –  Extra blood flow to your sex organs makes for greater stimulation and sensitivity.  Strengthening your heart with cardio exercises, will help increase circulation.

Increase Flexibility –  There is nothing worse than getting a cramp in the middle of a romp. What about those acrobatic moves you wanted try out? Yoga and Pilates would be a great start to obtain that flexibility you are looking for.

Increase Strength – Thinking about lifting your partner in a grand romantic gesture?  You better make sure you can handle the weight!  Injuries from dropping your partner are decidedly unsexy and a total mood killer.  Passion and a visit to the ER do not mix.

So there you have it:  Exercise in general helps your entire system function properly for all of life’s activities… including sex.  A healthy body and a confident mind is a very attractive combination.  Make sexercise a regular part of your routine!

Article contributed by Guy Cragwell, Certified Personal Trainer @FH Fitness and MV Fitness